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Is there a way to add default list of users as subscribers

Vidhya Prakash (853133) | asked Jun 20 '11, 7:07 a.m.
I'm looking for an easier way to add a huge list of subscribers to multiple workitems instead of adding each one of them everytime to a new WI?

3 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 20 '11, 3:04 p.m.
I'm looking for an easier way to add a huge list of subscribers to multiple workitems instead of adding each one of them everytime to a new WI?


In the Eclipse client today you can drag a team on to the work item and this will add all team members. There is discussion on this topic at this work item:

Please add your ideas


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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Jul 29 '13, 6:58 a.m.
Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work items > Attribute Customization > Default Values > Provider "User List".

Apply this as a default value for the Subscribed By attribute.

Caution : This default would show up for all work item types as the attribute is a Built In attribute shared by work item types.

YOGESH LOKHANDE commented Nov 13 '14, 12:26 a.m.

 I just change Onework item with subscriber = User_list, but it turn out all my story, defect, etc also having same setting? How do I make it customize per work item. 

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Jul 29 '13, 1:53 p.m.
Another trick (in the Eclipse client) is to use DnD to/from Favorites:
  • in the Team Artifacts view, create a folder under Favorites for the group
  • in some work item, manually subscribe the people you want
  • in the Subscribers panel (usually in the Links page) of the work item, select those people you want in the group
  • drag the items to the Favorites folder you created
  • later, you can multi-select people under the folder and drag to either the Subscribers panel or the Quick Information panel. In the latter case, it prompts for what kind of relationship you want, so choose Add as Subscriber). Dragging the folder is not supported currently.

Nick Edgar commented Jul 29 '13, 1:55 p.m.

You can also DnD directly from one work item's Subscribers panel to another's, but that requires jumping through some UI hoops, e.g. dragging work item editors next to each other.

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