repotools hanging on migration from m6a to RC2
I'm trying to get one of my jazz servers caught up to the latest release. Currently I'm trying to migrate my repository from m6a to RC2 and it appears to be hanging (log below). This is a DB2 9.1 FP4a database.
[root@jazzdev server]# ./ -import fromFile=/usr/data/backups/jazzrepo_for_m6a.tar
Repo Tools, Version 1.0 RC2
Provisioning using "./provision_profiles".
Rational Jazz Team Server - Standard (Early Access)
Loading configuration from "file:/usr/data/backups/".
Fulltext Index Location: workitemindex/fulltext_index/
Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: DB2/LINUX
Db Product Version: SQL09014
Db Name/Location: //localhost:50000/JAZZ:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;
CRJAZ1093I Service failed to activate.
WARNING: About to drop and recreate the tables for the database "//localhost:50000/JAZZ:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Do you wish to continue? Enter Y to confirm.
Creating the tables for the database "//localhost:50000/JAZZ:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;" without indices.
The database tables were created successfully.
The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "//localhost:50000/JAZZ:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Importing the data from the file "/usr/data/backups/jazzrepo_for_m6a.tar" into the database "//localhost:50000/JAZZ:fullyMaterializeLobData=false;user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;".
Reading tar file /usr/data/backups/jazzrepo_for_m6a.tar...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "" component...
Running pre import for "ClearCase Connector Migration Handler"...
Running pre import for "SCM Work Items Bridge Migration Handler"...
Running pre import for "Interop WorkItem Manager Migration Handler"...
Running pre import for "Full Text Migration Handler"...
Importing "ChangeEvent" items...
5 answers
On Fri, 30 May 2008 19:07:56 +0000, parrym wrote:
How big is /usr/data/backups/jazzrepo_for_m6a.tar and how long has it
been hung there?
- Dmitry
I'm trying to get one of my jazz servers caught up to the latest
release. Currently I'm trying to migrate my repository from m6a to RC2
and it appears to be hanging (log below). This is a DB2 9.1 FP4a
How big is /usr/data/backups/jazzrepo_for_m6a.tar and how long has it
been hung there?
- Dmitry
export_from_M6a.tar is 48MB in size. My first attempt to import that started yesterday around 2pm and I let it run overnight. When I came in this morning it was still at that same message. I killed that process and re-started it assuming it had hung. Looks like this attempt has been running about an hour and forty minutes....
27828 root 16 0 605m 97m 3736 S 100 1.2 101:58.60 java
Well I got sick over the weekend so this latest attempt has been running since Friday and still sitting at "Importing 'ChangeEvent' items."
Not sure if this is relevant or not but the Jazz database was created with the following db2 command on db2 9.1..
Not sure if this is relevant or not but the Jazz database was created with the following db2 command on db2 9.1..
db2 create database jazz on /usr/data/databases/jazz using codeset UTF-8 territory US