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RTC ifix6: strange behavior in Eclipse 3.6.x shell

Joef Huang (46114) | asked May 16 '11, 5:19 p.m.

When working with RTC ifix6 client in Eclipse 3.6.x (3.6.0 and 3.6.2) shells, there are strange behaviors, such as the "Pending Changes" view doesn't refresh, etc.

This is p2 install with a plain Eclipse 3.6.x shell. Although the RTC download page says only supports Eclipse 3.5.x, but according to this release note, ifix6 should support Eclipse 3.6.x:

Is this a known problem?


2 answers

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered May 18 '11, 9:25 a.m.
The only issue I have seen related to this involved having the "Look for external changes..." option enabled on the Team/Jazz Source Control/Local Changes preference page. If this option is enabled for you, disable it and see if that fixes the issue. Otherwise, it is not a known issue.

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Joef Huang (46114) | answered May 20 '11, 9:46 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestion. The problem was gone after a Windows auto-update followed by a reboot. Will keep an eye on this.

The only issue I have seen related to this involved having the "Look for external changes..." option enabled on the Team/Jazz Source Control/Local Changes preference page. If this option is enabled for you, disable it and see if that fixes the issue. Otherwise, it is not a known issue.

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