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Can't install RTC 3.0 into RAD 8, already installed?

Art Corl (2642) | asked May 06 '11, 5:01 p.m.
I'm attempting to install RTC 3.0 into RAD 8. First I used the update manager to uninstall RTC (from the RAD 8 SDP). I vaguely recall seeing "Uninstall won't be complete until ..." (didn't capture the details).

I've downloaded RTC 3.0, and run the launchpad. The installer is complaining that "The install location already contains an older Rational Team Concert feature that is not compatible with this install action. Please uninstall it and try the install operation again."

If I look at "About" (in RAD), sure enough, I see RTC listed. But if I go in to Install Manager", it's no longer there.


3 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered May 06 '11, 6:04 p.m.
I'm attempting to install RTC 3.0 into RAD 8. First I used the update manager to uninstall RTC (from the RAD 8 SDP). I vaguely recall seeing "Uninstall won't be complete until ..." (didn't capture the details).

I've downloaded RTC 3.0, and run the launchpad. The installer is complaining that "The install location already contains an older Rational Team Concert feature that is not compatible with this install action. Please uninstall it and try the install operation again."

If I look at "About" (in RAD), sure enough, I see RTC listed. But if I go in to Install Manager", it's no longer there.


Hi Art

I would reboot your machine, then start RAD with a -clean option to force RAD to reread in all plugins. Also - see if there are any files left over from the RTC 2 install and delete those.

Try installing RTC 3 after that.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 07 '11, 4:07 a.m.

not sure, but RTC is bundeled with RAD. When installing you can deselect to install it. If you do that you can install RTC into RAD independently. This is the best option to handle it as far as I know. I am not sure if you can deinstall the feature. If so it would be in the RAD install.


I'm attempting to install RTC 3.0 into RAD 8. First I used the update manager to uninstall RTC (from the RAD 8 SDP). I vaguely recall seeing "Uninstall won't be complete until ..." (didn't capture the details).

I've downloaded RTC 3.0, and run the launchpad. The installer is complaining that "The install location already contains an older Rational Team Concert feature that is not compatible with this install action. Please uninstall it and try the install operation again."

If I look at "About" (in RAD), sure enough, I see RTC listed. But if I go in to Install Manager", it's no longer there.


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Art Corl (2642) | answered May 09 '11, 2:13 p.m.
"Clean" ... thanks for the reminder ... that usually always works :-)

According to "help -> about", RTC did not uninstall cleanly, due it seems to having another plugin that was dependent on RTC. I tried to remove that other plugin, and then clean up left over RTC stuff, but kept getting "already installed" message. At this point, the easiest thing to do is to re-install RAD and then install RTC 3.0. (That worked.)

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