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Incompatible client RTC 3.0 Ifix1

aa aa (4166) | asked May 06 '11, 7:05 a.m.
I have installed RTC 3.0 ifix1 server and the RTC 3.0 ifix1 eclipse client. When i tried to connect with the client i get an error that the client version is not compatible with the server.

When i installed the exact same client on a different computer, it worked perfectly. I tried on 6 computers with the same OS windows xp 32, and on 3 of them worked and on 3 i got the error that is not compatible.

I used the same installation kit.

Does anyone have any clue why this happens?

Thank you

2 answers

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aa aa (4166) | answered May 06 '11, 8:16 a.m.
I found the problem.

It has nothing to do with the Client. The error is only to set you off track. The problem is that RTC takes the proxy settings from internet explorer.

So, there is a proxy in our network, but on some computers the exception in internet settings is not set for the RTC server. On those computers the client could not connect to the server.

There are 2 solutions:
1. Set the exception for the server in internet settings
2. Disable the proxy in RTC client at window/preferences/network

Have fun
Radu :)

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered May 09 '11, 2:12 a.m.
On 5/6/2011 2:23 PM, radu1007 wrote:
I found the problem.

It has nothing to do with the Client. The error is only to set you off
track. The problem is that RTC takes the proxy settings from internet

So, there is a proxy in our network, but on some computers the
exception in internet settings is not set for the RTC server. On
those computers the client could not connect to the server.

There are 2 solutions:
1. Set the exception for the server in internet settings
2. Disable the proxy in RTC client at window/preferences/network

Have fun
Radu :)

I filled work item 155915 some time ago about this issue. Hope it will
fixed in near future because it is really misleading error message.

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