Problem in "Categorize Asset Policy" of iRAM Defau
Categorize Asset policy inserts category that has exclusive children value even the Asset has other value of exclusive same children category.
In Life-cycle, Categorize Asset policy is added in Draft state action and it configures that to add
1. Add Categorize Asset policy in Draft state with "Asset-Save" check box option of Life-cycle.
2. Click Configure option and select Yes radio button value of Confirming high-value category and Click Save button
3. In Asset submission page, select No radio button value of Confirming high-value category and select appropriate condition value to go through respective life-cycle and Click Submit button.
4. Now, Asset shows both values of Yes and No of confirming high-value category.
Is this known problem in this Categorize Asset Policy (or) Is this expected behavior ?
Bakiyaraj Arul
iRAM Central Administration and Management