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Can the ID Text be replaced on the WI?

Steve Cotugno (41159) | asked Apr 28 '11, 7:02 p.m.

Is it possible for the WI ID text in the WI ID tab (above the summary field) to be replaced. For example, the RTC WI may be a proxy WI for a foreign system, say CQ for example. The customer wants to place the ID of the foreign system in place of the RTC WI ID in that tab.
If so, how?


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Sean G Wilbur (87222421) | answered Apr 29 '11, 11:26 a.m.

For a WI form that is part of the Editor Presentation and can be customized in the Editor Header for some presentations, but for general use around the tool the WI id/summary are the default handles that show up everywhere else. You may want to just add that additional field to the editor presentations so you have id, custom_id, summary, state, resolution instead of the default so you have that quick information on the forms but the context is not lost for the rest of the tool.


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