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Changing from help on the product server to remote help

James Labrie (18123818) | asked Apr 21 '11, 6:34 a.m.

I have 2 questions on this.

I'm now trying "Changing from help on the product server to remote help content" following the steps in the link below.

When I access https:// server : port / help-name /updater, e.g. https://server:9443/clmhelp/updater/updatewar.jsp, HTTP 403 error appeared.

Could anyone know how to solve this?

Also, at the step6, following thing is stated.
"6. Ensure that Include help content from a remote infocenter is selected."

But, there is not such a selection.
There are only following three things.

Include local help only
Include remote help and give local help priority
Include remote help and give it priority

Could anyone let me know which one I should select?

4 answers

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James Labrie (18123818) | answered Apr 25 '11, 10:20 a.m.
Nobody knows this? :'(

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Hadar Hawk (1882214) | answered Apr 26 '11, 1:32 p.m.
Nobody knows this? :'(

To be able to change the local help updater settings, you need to be on the server that is running the help app. This is a security feature. If you are on another machine, you will get
HTTP Status 403 -

type Status report


description Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.30

For the options in the Remote Help dialog box, they will be going away in the next release, but for now, we recommend you select the last option, include remote and give it priority. This will take content from the remote information center (either on if it is a version of the product that has be released or on if it is a pre-released version of the product). The development team updates the information centers as needed and if you select that last option, you will always see the latest information that is available.

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Apr 28 '11, 8:40 a.m.
A customer reported this works in Microsoft Windows 2003 Server but not in Microsoft Windows 2008 Server with UAC removed

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James Labrie (18123818) | answered Apr 29 '11, 8:33 a.m.
I'm doing this on the server and the server is Windows 2008.
Is this a matter of security setting of Windows 2008?
Do you have any idea about what needs to be done?

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