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Issue with create & update Lotus Symphony file in RTC SC

Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | asked Mar 30 '11, 9:57 a.m.
I create a spreadsheet using Lotus Symphony 3.0 and tried to put it under version control of RTC SCM.

I first tried to create the file using the Link to file in file system in the file cration wizard but my teammates can't see it in their workspace and I can't see it either from showing repositories files of the component even though it is in my workspace.

I then tried to create an empty file of type .ods and it worked. I then tried to open it but could not pass the Filter Selection step as I always got Unknow file format error for all kinds of type I selected ranging from MS Excel, Lotus, OpenOffice, etc.

The last thing I tried is to import the Symphony spreadsheet file into RTC SCM and it seems working and it show up in the component view. But when I modified it in my workspace and tried to checkin and deliver , I always got error:
Error during upload
Failed to upload File /Jazz/Migrate2RTC_SCM/PlanningDocs/SCMCapacityPlanning.ods
Error uploading new contents of /Jazz/Migrate2RTC_SCM/PlanningDocs/SCMCapacityPlanning.ods

So is there an issue with RTC SCM to handle Lotus Symphony spreadsheet?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 30 '11, 1:38 p.m.

i have checked in and uploaded binaries and have also seen .ods files.
If you copy the .ods file into an eclipse project and share that, does it work? Have you checked the logs? Maybe the file size is too big or something else happens? E.g. are you sure the file is not open in symphony any more.

All I can think of,


I create a spreadsheet using Lotus Symphony 3.0 and tried to put it under version control of RTC SCM.

I first tried to create the file using the Link to file in file system in the file cration wizard but my teammates can't see it in their workspace and I can't see it either from showing repositories files of the component even though it is in my workspace.

I then tried to create an empty file of type .ods and it worked. I then tried to open it but could not pass the Filter Selection step as I always got Unknow file format error for all kinds of type I selected ranging from MS Excel, Lotus, OpenOffice, etc.

The last thing I tried is to import the Symphony spreadsheet file into RTC SCM and it seems working and it show up in the component view. But when I modified it in my workspace and tried to checkin and deliver , I always got error:
Error during upload
Failed to upload File /Jazz/Migrate2RTC_SCM/PlanningDocs/SCMCapacityPlanning.ods
Error uploading new contents of /Jazz/Migrate2RTC_SCM/PlanningDocs/SCMCapacityPlanning.ods

So is there an issue with RTC SCM to handle Lotus Symphony spreadsheet?

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Mar 30 '11, 2:26 p.m.
Ok, thanks for reminding me to check the logs.

I found "Resource is out of sync with the file system" in the log and then figured out that this is caused by editing a workbench resource outside of Eclipse.

So I refreshed my project and the file itself and deliver went through.

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