Client support for Solaris and AIX
7 answers
No takers on this one? As far as I can tell, there is no RCP client for
Solaris or AIX. Can I assume the plugin can be used in a supported
Eclipse environment on these platforms?
Thanks, Brian
Hi Brian
I can't answer the question directly - but RTC Eclipse clients use the full Eclipse shell, not RCP.
OK. I also thought the RTC could be plugged into an existing ecplipse
shell, so it could be added to, for example, RSA. So my question is if
there isn't a client specifically packaged for Solaris or AIX, can the
plugins somehow be installed into an existing Eclipse shell on those
shell, so it could be added to, for example, RSA. So my question is if
there isn't a client specifically packaged for Solaris or AIX, can the
plugins somehow be installed into an existing Eclipse shell on those