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Using intranet help

Dr. Hans-Joachim Pross (1.1k4458) | asked Mar 24 '11, 2:00 p.m.
I have setup an intranet server (the RTC server) as a help server.
I have configured the ecplise client (Windows / Preferences / Help / Help Content) to look for help from that server.

But when I access help, the client allways opens<port> instead of the configured server.

3 answers

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Steven Zheng (21745) | answered Mar 30 '11, 3:15 a.m.
I have setup an intranet server (the RTC server) as a help server.
I have configured the ecplise client (Windows / Preferences / Help / Help Content) to look for help from that server.

But when I access help, the client allways opens<port> instead of the configured server.

I got the same problem, maybe there is a defect on this.

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Dr. Hans-Joachim Pross (1.1k4458) | answered Mar 30 '11, 9:52 a.m.
I got the same problem, maybe there is a defect on this.

I have allready submitted a bug.
But try change the path in the settings (Windows / Preferences / Help / Content) from /help to /clmhelp. That seems to solve the problem.

BedBath User commented Jun 04 '12, 3:04 p.m.

Help! Has there been a clear fix for this problem? I still get the server trying to access the internet when I change to /clmhelp.

BedBath User commented Jun 04 '12, 3:10 p.m.

When accessing help from web it works fine, but from the client it still tries to access web.

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Martina Riedel (20323341) | answered Sep 05 '12, 8:07 p.m.
edited Sep 05 '12, 8:09 p.m.
I need to host RTC help on an intranet server for our users without internet access.

I have found and the help file zip for clm on there.
What I am missing are instructions on what to do to serve it up.
I googled and found some very generic Eclipse help, but I don't want to slog my way through that if at all possible. This should not be that hard.

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