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Initializing Help

Lothar Kappen (11611912) | asked Mar 24 '11, 10:22 a.m.
When I have help locally installed, every time i start the RTC client it is initializing help and searching for new content. Even if i put it into background, it consumes cpu.

Is there any way to disable this ?

3 answers

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Dr. Hans-Joachim Pross (1.1k4458) | answered Mar 24 '11, 1:49 p.m.
Not sure if that tha solution:
Try Windows / Preferences / Help / Local Help Updater. There is a switch to disable automatic updates.

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Lothar Kappen (11611912) | answered Mar 25 '11, 8:21 a.m.
Not sure if that tha solution:
Try Windows / Preferences / Help / Local Help Updater. There is a switch to disable automatic updates.

No, that is already disabled. Also Preferences/InstallUpdate/Automatic Update is disabled.

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Steven Zheng (21745) | answered Mar 30 '11, 3:09 a.m.
Not sure if that tha solution:
Try Windows / Preferences / Help / Local Help Updater. There is a switch to disable automatic updates.

No, that is already disabled. Also Preferences/InstallUpdate/Automatic Update is disabled.

I got the same problem. I selected to install help locally in IIM. As I remembered, there is no such problem if I select access help from internet...

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