Can we put package and deploy definition file in RTC SCM?
2 answers
In general, you can put any file under RTC source control, and in
general, you should put any "source" files (i.e. a file that a human
modifies) under source control. I'm not familiar with .mf files, but
it certainly sounds like those are source files, and therefore should be
under source control.
On 3/23/2011 1:23 AM, joseph wrote:
general, you should put any "source" files (i.e. a file that a human
modifies) under source control. I'm not familiar with .mf files, but
it certainly sounds like those are source files, and therefore should be
under source control.
On 3/23/2011 1:23 AM, joseph wrote:
When we use the function package and deploy, we need to define and in USS. The file may need to be changed if
new customer programm added. So the change of the two file should be
managed. Can we put the two file in RTC source control?