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*QRYDFN and *DTAARA in Power Systems

Richard Hebron (6078) | asked Mar 22 '11, 1:27 p.m.
retagged Jun 24 '12, 9:31 a.m. by Arne Bister (2.6k12832)
Query definitions and data areas can be added to an i Project and delivered to the Jazz repository. When I ran a build, the query and data area were identified as part of the build but they were not pushed onto the i. On the i Project I did not find an option to push either one back down on to my sandbox library on the i.

Are query definitions and data areas supported by i Projects and RTC?

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Sean Babineau (38825) | answered Mar 28 '11, 11:56 a.m.
Query definitions and data areas can be added to an i Project and delivered to the Jazz repository. When I ran a build, the query and data area were identified as part of the build but they were not pushed onto the i. On the i Project I did not find an option to push either one back down on to my sandbox library on the i.

Are query definitions and data areas supported by i Projects and RTC?

Yes, this is supported in RDp 8.0 and RTC 3.0.

To add binary objects like *DTAARA and *QRYDFN to your iProject, select the object in the Remote Systems view, right-click and "Add to i Project..."

You can push the binary object back to the IBMi server by selecting it in the i Projects Navigator view, right-clicking, and executing "Remote Actions->Push Selected". The object will be uploaded to the i Project's associated library.

If this i Project is then shared to Jazz Source Control, the binary object is also managed there, and can be extracted to a target library during a build.

Of course, the binary object can only be "edited" while it's on the IBMi server, not in the Eclipse workspace (e.g. you can't do CHGDTAARA on the *DTAARA while it is stored in your Windows client - you need to get it back to IBMi to change it). Also, comparing versions will produce illegible results.


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