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Looking for example BIRT RQM reports

Mark Ireland (26125748) | asked Mar 18 '11, 9:37 a.m.
edited Oct 24 '14, 2:32 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)

I have started looking at BIRT as a possible way to resolve some of the user requests for new reports without having to use RCR or Insight.

Has anybody any examples of reports they have created for use with RQM or RTC?



7 answers

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Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | answered Mar 21 '11, 12:58 p.m.
HI Mark.

I have done some reports in RQM using BIRT. What kind of report do you want to do? what involved?

E-mail me or post it here maybe i could help you :)! I see you are an ibmer (you could chat to me on ST)

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Mark Ireland (26125748) | answered Mar 22 '11, 4:52 a.m.

I'll post here for now so none ibmers can see also. I am specifically interested in RQM and testcases/testscripts which seems particularly light in decent reports.

Also, have you and instructions of creating and joing datasets? Also what all the tables relate to?



HI Mark.

I have done some reports in RQM using BIRT. What kind of report do you want to do? what involved?

E-mail me or post it here maybe i could help you :)! I see you are an ibmer (you could chat to me on ST)

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SimonP T (5622) | answered Mar 22 '11, 6:21 a.m.
Sharing the concern... ...please keep us posted on developments on this thread

I have raised a similar investigation under:

I was advised (by IBMer) to keep BIRT use down to tweaking existing reports. If you want a new report use RRDI/RCR.

Input on this topic would be gratefully recieved

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Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | answered Mar 22 '11, 11:31 a.m.

I'll post here for now so none ibmers can see also. I am specifically interested in RQM and testcases/testscripts which seems particularly light in decent reports.

Also, have you and instructions of creating and joing datasets? Also what all the tables relate to?



Hi, Mark.

I followed this guide in the developers works website :
its about BIRT and RTC Reports, but its the same for RQM just that you have another information in the tables.

For joining data sets you must select 2 data sets that have one value in common, for example test case item id.

You are looking for scripts and test cases? like just show all test cases with their respectively test script?

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Mark Ireland (26125748) | answered Mar 23 '11, 5:48 a.m.

I'll post here for now so none ibmers can see also. I am specifically interested in RQM and testcases/testscripts which seems particularly light in decent reports.

Also, have you and instructions of creating and joing datasets? Also what all the tables relate to?



Hi, Mark.

I followed this guide in the developers works website :
its about BIRT and RTC Reports, but its the same for RQM just that you have another information in the tables.

For joining data sets you must select 2 data sets that have one value in common, for example test case item id.

You are looking for scripts and test cases? like just show all test cases with their respectively test script?

Yes please, we would like to just show all test cases with their respectively test script(s).

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Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | answered Mar 24 '11, 10:21 a.m.
Hi, i made a simple report with the test cases and the test scripts like this

TestCase ID- Test Case - Script ID - Script

You will find blank spaces because there are cases with no scripts and scripts with no cases.

What i did was first look into the tables for the test case , and i used the Versioned_TestCase table, there i got the Test Case Id and name along with the script item id but no name. Then i found the script table and got item id, id and name. So then i joined both table with the itemId as the connector.

Will send you by e-mail because i dont know how to upload files here!.
Oh you have to change your project area name. I used the default 'Quality Manager' project area.

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Mark Ireland (26125748) | answered Mar 24 '11, 10:29 a.m.
Thank you

My e-mail is




Hi, i made a simple report with the test cases and the test scripts like this

TestCase ID- Test Case - Script ID - Script

You will find blank spaces because there are cases with no scripts and scripts with no cases.

What i did was first look into the tables for the test case , and i used the Versioned_TestCase table, there i got the Test Case Id and name along with the script item id but no name. Then i found the script table and got item id, id and name. So then i joined both table with the itemId as the connector.

Will send you by e-mail because i dont know how to upload files here!.
Oh you have to change your project area name. I used the default 'Quality Manager' project area.

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