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Which one to use for custom reporting BIRT or RRDI for RQM 4.0?

Sirisha t (1058) | asked May 12 '14, 7:03 a.m.
edited May 12 '14, 7:17 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k479103)
We have recently started using RQM4.0, we are not sure which one to use for custom reporting : BIRT vs RRDI. Please help about their advantages, features, ease of use. Thanks.

3 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k479103) | answered May 12 '14, 7:16 a.m.
edited May 12 '14, 7:19 a.m.
Hi Sirisha,
Here are couple of resources to better make decision: - This post is a duplicate of that forum topic.

Please let us know if it helps you to make better decision.

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Matthias Buettgen (23612332) | answered May 15 '14, 2:40 p.m.
Hi Sirisha,

That depends on what you're willing to invest in knowledge built-up as well as in additional software.
First of all you need to invest some kind of learning in both tools if you're new to that stuff. I guess you'll find more resources on related to RQM reporting using RRDI than RQM reporting with BIRT. For RRDI do you also need as far as I know an additional Websphere application server to get the tool up and running.
BIRT as such is as far as I know not officially supported in RQM but it's possible. So this means you have to find out on your own how data is organized in the Jazz data source for RQM and in which table you can find the suitable information you're looking for. BIRT runs right in the application and the only thing you need to develop reports is an RTC client with the corresponding BIRT plug-in.
I've been working with BIRT for more than five years in RTC/RQM and I know it's hard at the very begining to become familar with BIRT in the CLM world. But if you got behind the scenes how data is organized you'll find it quite easy to report with BIRT. How to use BIRT in the Jazz tool's world is described quite good in the RTC Reports wiki. So you can make yourself a view on how reporting of RQM could like in BIRT (
Last but not least if your intention is more related to document reporting rather than counting test results and states you should consider about using RPE which will then be the best choice for this kind of usage.
William mentiones INSIGHT as well but from my point of view does it only makes sense if you intend to report on more than one RQM or CLM instance or in case there is also another external tool outside of Jazz which should be used for the reporting.


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William Chen (31215) | answered May 15 '14, 12:48 p.m.
Hi Sirisha,

You could consider another reporting solution - IBM Rational Insight. If you are interested, you can take a look at this article.


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