iRAM to not allow non-administrator to view Ret. Assets
The Asset Consumer can view Retied assets in several communities but the documentation states that only administrators and lifecycle managers can view the Retired assets. Configure iRAM to not allow non-administrators to view/search/locate Retired assets.
Reproduction Steps:
1. Login iRAM Home page using intranet Bluepage credential
2. Search Page - filtered Retired State
3. It shows several assets in different Communities
Few Communities does not have any Review Process and Lifecyles, but still assets felt those Communites in Retired State
Is this expected iRAM Behaviour?
Note: Help Document states that only Administrators and LC managers can view the Retired Assets.
Reproduction Steps:
1. Login iRAM Home page using intranet Bluepage credential
2. Search Page - filtered Retired State
3. It shows several assets in different Communities
Few Communities does not have any Review Process and Lifecyles, but still assets felt those Communites in Retired State
Is this expected iRAM Behaviour?
Note: Help Document states that only Administrators and LC managers can view the Retired Assets.