Multiple work item change (cool hidden feature) doesn't work
I was reading this article:
and i LOVE the "cool hidden feature" that allows you to change multiple work items at a single time. I've tested this on both 2.0 and 3.0 and see about the same thing (using Eclipse client). However, I find that it works for:
Owned By
Created By
but not
Found In
SOME of our custom attributes that we have added, but not all, since some of my custom attributes show up.
When I do the eclipse client, I run the query, highlight hte rows, right-click. Found In (which is the main one we want) is NOT showing up in the context menu.
Am I doing something wrong? I didn't see any limitations in the document, nor could I find a specific trend as to what worked and what didn't.
and i LOVE the "cool hidden feature" that allows you to change multiple work items at a single time. I've tested this on both 2.0 and 3.0 and see about the same thing (using Eclipse client). However, I find that it works for:
Owned By
Created By
but not
Found In
SOME of our custom attributes that we have added, but not all, since some of my custom attributes show up.
When I do the eclipse client, I run the query, highlight hte rows, right-click. Found In (which is the main one we want) is NOT showing up in the context menu.
Am I doing something wrong? I didn't see any limitations in the document, nor could I find a specific trend as to what worked and what didn't.
One answer
I noticed that I couldn't use this feature with fields like tags, where I could add one tag in one work item, and have two tags in another work item. I am wondering whether the content of the field must be "predefined" before it can be changed, i.e you are able to change from one known value to another known value (for example, from one planned for value to another, but you couldn't just type in a new value)