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Need help setting up automatic email

Maggie Stearns (1063027) | asked Feb 24 '11, 4:30 p.m.

I'm using RTC

My scrum masters want to get email when defects are created with blocker as the severity (or we could use tags if that makes it easier).

Can you recommend an implementation for this? Currently, the scrum masters can manually subscribe to those defects, but I would like something more automated.


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 24 '11, 6:35 p.m.

I'm using RTC

My scrum masters want to get email when defects are created with blocker as the severity (or we could use tags if that makes it easier).

Can you recommend an implementation for this? Currently, the scrum masters can manually subscribe to those defects, but I would like something more automated.


Hi Maggie

Not directly - but there are a few options:

1) Ask the people who create the work items to subscribe the scrum master
2) Have the scrum masters subscribe to the RSS feed for work items on a project - you may be able to filter out things that are not blocking defects.

3) Use a dashboard with a query to list all defects that are blockers.

There may be other options - including using server-side coding to add a subscriber (the scrum masters)


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