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Iteration planned items behavior

Hema Sudarshan (4143) | asked Feb 23 '11, 3:17 a.m.
One of our client had iteration plan whose owner is a child team area, he also had master plan whose owner is parent team area, The planned workitems whose filed against is similar to plan owner, will display only those workitems in plan. If planned workitem filed against is changed to owner of the master plan, the planned workitem is displayed over there. and it does not get displayed over child plan.
But in jazz ifix3, where our server is currently ,the plans behave differently. IT displays the planned items even though they dont have same filed against as that of the plan. They are saying this behaviour is show stopper. Please help us.

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Hema Sudarshan (4143) | answered May 17 '11, 2:23 a.m.
I followed the tutorial for ValueSetProvider posted in jazz, but when i added the attribute on workitem and tried to set value..It never called the service for value set provider which is written in java. Please help

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