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RTC component structure like in ClearCase

T M (8878188143) | asked Feb 18 '11, 1:04 p.m.
RTC 3.0

If I have to setup a RTC component structure like in CC as below how do I do it?

In ClearCase: I have vobs V1 and V2 and folders f1 and f2 under V1. f1 points to V2 (symbolic link):

| - f1 -> ..\V2
| - f2

How do I setup a structure like above in RTC? I know there is a symbolic link feature available in RTC (which I haven't tried) but only on Linux and UNIX OSes.


One answer

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 18 '11, 7:08 p.m.
Currently, you cannot declare that the root of one RTC component is a
member of a directory of another RTC component. Work item 148034
requests that one be able to do so. Please feel free to indicate your
interest/support by adding a comment to that work item.

Note: It is currently marked as "Won't Fix", so we would need a show of
support to get it at least into the Backlog.


s in the file namespace

On 2/18/2011 1:08 PM, theju wrote:
RTC 3.0

If I have to setup a RTC component structure like in CC as below how
do I do it?

In ClearCase: I have vobs V1 and V2 and folders f1 and f2 under V1. f1
points to V2 (symbolic link):

| - f1 -> ..\V2
| - f2

How do I setup a structure like above in RTC? I know there is a
symbolic link feature available in RTC (which I haven't tried) but
only on Linux and UNIX OSes.


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