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AbstractConfigurationElementEditor cannot find TeamForgePage

I'm attempting to extend Build.
I created a
ZBuildConfigurationEditorFactory implements IConfigurationElementEditorFactory
public class ZBuildConfigurationElementEditor extends
AbstractConfigurationElementEditor {
following the forum and rtc doc that are available.
The issue is that it cannot locate com.ibm.team.ui.editor.TeamFormPage which AbstractConfigurationElementEditor is based on.
In my plug-in dependencies there is no selection listed for com.ibm.team.ui so I cannot add it. Where is com.ibm.team.ui suppose to be and how can I get ti to appear in my dependency list so the code can use it and resolve the problem?
Regards, Steve
2 answers

Where is com.ibm.team.ui suppose to be
Regards, Steve
Hi Steve.
Assuming you download 'RTC-SDK-3.0' off Jazz.net...
The package 'com.ibm.team.ui.editor' can be found in RTC-SDK-3.0\plugins\com.ibm.team.jface_1.1.0.v20101110_2242.jar
David, thank-you. I just found out about the sdk earlier today and in progress of downloading it.
Regards, steve

Hello steve,
I'm want to use build participant but need help on writing the ConfigurationElementEditorFactory1.java file.
I understand that the basic is:
package com.phoenix.build.participant.client;
import com.ibm.team.build.ui.editors.builddefinition.AbstractConfigurationElementEditor;
import com.ibm.team.build.ui.editors.builddefinition.IConfigurationElementEditorFactory;
public class ConfigurationElementEditorFactory1 implements IConfigurationElementEditorFactory {
public ConfigurationElementEditorFactory1() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public AbstractConfigurationElementEditor createElementEditor(String elementId, String editorTitle) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
AbstractConfigurationElementEditor elementEditor= null;
return elementEditor;
Can you please write your file so I can understand how to make it ? (I need an example)

public class ZBuildConfigurationEditorFactory implements IConfigurationElementEditorFactory
public AbstractConfigurationElementEditor createElementEditor(String arg0,
String arg1)
ZBuildConfigurationElementEditor editor = new ZBuildConfigurationElementEditor(arg0, arg1);
return editor;
public class ZBuildConfigurationElementEditor extends AbstractConfigurationElementEditor
public ZBuildConfigurationElementEditor( String elementId, String title )
{ super( elementId, title ); }
public void createContent( Composite parent, FormToolkit toolkit )