Express Setup option is disabled in 'https://localhost:9443/jts/setup' when login with User ID and password both as ADMIN
Hi Ralph,
As you said I have replaced call "%CATALINA_HOME%"\bin\catalina.bat jpda run with "%EXECUTABLE%" start %CMD_LINE_ARGS% in server.startup.bat. Now my server.startup.bat is running perfectly but after login into 'https://localhost:9443/jts/setup' with USER ID and Password both as ADMIN then my Express Setup option is disabled and showing--- Express Setup is not available because the database appears to be mis-configured. Use Custom Setup to configure the server and verify the database configuration.
And after selecting this Custom-Setup option I am not getting that from where I need to take the JDBC Password for Database Vendor as Derby and Connection Type is JDBC.
I searched for the same on Google & in the following Link( it's showing -
If you are using the Derby database, you should not have to change the default values, and you will not be prompted to create database tables.
I am also using Derby Database Vendor but in that Default Value is none.
Please suggest some solution & sorry for asking the question in old questions.
2 answers
The modification in the batch file was to be able to find a potential problem and not meant as a method to go further.