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Command Line Interface for Jazz

4 answers

Hi Anand,
Jazz does provide a command-line interface. It's designed primarily
for scripting and automation, but it should be usable for day-to-day
development as well.
As to documentation: that's underway. Our doc guy will post here if
there's a publicly available URL for the docs. In the meantime, you can
try downloading the client and looking in the jazz/scmtools/eclipse/
directory. If you run 'scm help', you should get a rough idea of the
tool's capabilities. Running 'scm help <cmdname>' will provide you with
skeletal docs on command usage.
Jazz does provide a command-line interface. It's designed primarily
for scripting and automation, but it should be usable for day-to-day
development as well.
As to documentation: that's underway. Our doc guy will post here if
there's a publicly available URL for the docs. In the meantime, you can
try downloading the client and looking in the jazz/scmtools/eclipse/
directory. If you run 'scm help', you should get a rough idea of the
tool's capabilities. Running 'scm help <cmdname>' will provide you with
skeletal docs on command usage.

You can find the command line help in the RTC Help system under
Managing change and releases > Managing source code in Jazz > Using Jazz
source control command line tools
The public infocenter on jazz.net is quite out of date.
Richard O. Curtis
Senior Information Developer
IBM Rational Software
20 Maguire Rd.
Lexington, MA 02421-3112
781-676-2691 //voice
rocurtis@us.ibm.com //inet
"Evan Hughes" <evan_hughes> wrote in message
Managing change and releases > Managing source code in Jazz > Using Jazz
source control command line tools
The public infocenter on jazz.net is quite out of date.
Richard O. Curtis
Senior Information Developer
IBM Rational Software
20 Maguire Rd.
Lexington, MA 02421-3112
781-676-2691 //voice
rocurtis@us.ibm.com //inet
"Evan Hughes" <evan_hughes> wrote in message
Hi Anand,
Jazz does provide a command-line interface. It's designed primarily for
scripting and automation, but it should be usable for day-to-day
development as well.
As to documentation: that's underway. Our doc guy will post here if
there's a publicly available URL for the docs. In the meantime, you can
try downloading the client and looking in the jazz/scmtools/eclipse/
directory. If you run 'scm help', you should get a rough idea of the
tool's capabilities. Running 'scm help <cmdname>' will provide you with
skeletal docs on command usage.

Hi Anand,
Jazz does provide a command-line interface. It's designed primarily
for scripting and automation, but it should be usable for day-to-day
development as well.
As to documentation: that's underway. Our doc guy will post here if
there's a publicly available URL for the docs. In the meantime, you can
try downloading the client and looking in the jazz/scmtools/eclipse/
directory. If you run 'scm help', you should get a rough idea of the
tool's capabilities. Running 'scm help <cmdname>' will provide you with
skeletal docs on command usage.
Jazz does provide a command-line interface. It's designed primarily
for scripting and automation, but it should be usable for day-to-day
development as well.
As to documentation: that's underway. Our doc guy will post here if
there's a publicly available URL for the docs. In the meantime, you can
try downloading the client and looking in the jazz/scmtools/eclipse/
directory. If you run 'scm help', you should get a rough idea of the
tool's capabilities. Running 'scm help <cmdname>' will provide you with
skeletal docs on command usage.