RAM Eclipse Install to RSA 8.0.1 and RTC 3.0 fails
Following the Technote here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21456337
I get this message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Rational Asset Manager Eclipse RTC client integration 7.5.0.v20100629_0210 (com.ibm.ram.rich.eclipse33.feature.group 7.5.0.v20100629_0210)
Missing requirement: Rational Asset Manager Eclipse RTC client integration 7.5.0.v20100629_0210 (com.ibm.ram.rich.eclipse33.feature.group 7.5.0.v20100629_0210) requires 'com.ibm.team.client.feature.scm.feature.group [2.0.0,3.0.0)' but it could not be found
I see there is some scm features but not that particular one. Is it something I am doing wrong or?
I get this message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Rational Asset Manager Eclipse RTC client integration 7.5.0.v20100629_0210 (com.ibm.ram.rich.eclipse33.feature.group 7.5.0.v20100629_0210)
Missing requirement: Rational Asset Manager Eclipse RTC client integration 7.5.0.v20100629_0210 (com.ibm.ram.rich.eclipse33.feature.group 7.5.0.v20100629_0210) requires 'com.ibm.team.client.feature.scm.feature.group [2.0.0,3.0.0)' but it could not be found
I see there is some scm features but not that particular one. Is it something I am doing wrong or?
10 answers
On 2/16/2012 7:53 PM, sraley wrote:
host or through IBM Installer?
Either way you have to select the RTC 3.0 client integration feature.
The default feature is for 2.0.
Also, what is your RAM host version? You don't want to install a
RAM client if your RAM host is a different higher version.
If you have a choice it is best to go with the RAM version that your
host is. If your host if you should use the RAM client.
Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer
gmendelwrote: is the first RAM release to support RTC3.0 on the IDE.
I downloaded and I get an error that it only supports RTC 2
not currently installed So how do I get arond this?
How are you installing Thru RAM Update Site on a RAM
host or through IBM Installer?
Either way you have to select the RTC 3.0 client integration feature.
The default feature is for 2.0.
Also, what is your RAM host version? You don't want to install a
RAM client if your RAM host is a different higher version.
If you have a choice it is best to go with the RAM version that your
host is. If your host if you should use the RAM client.
Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer