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Version information/history inside MS Word documents

Andreas Schoenig (11122) | asked Feb 15 '11, 5:26 a.m.
Among others we use RTC in order to manage MS Word documents.

Some users at client side do not have RTC access (and never will have for what reasons ever) but need to review the documents as well.

Is there a way to store a version number and/or version history inside the Word document managed by RTC in order to be sure what version was i.e. sent via e-mail?

i.e. in SVN it is possible to use SVN hooks in order to store version information in the source file after commit...

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Feb 15 '11, 10:27 a.m.
RTC doesn't have the same notion of server hook. It does have process advisors but they do not provide the ability to modify the content of a file as it is being checked-in.

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