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How-to: post work item in RTC 2.0 from a test plan in RQm 2.

Olivier Béghain (1082234) | asked Feb 14 '11, 7:36 a.m.

During the execution of our test plans, we sometimes have remarks that raen'ts specific to particular test cases but that need attention. Therefore we would like to post in the RTC 2.0 project (linked to the RQM 2.0 project) a work item that express our concerns but is also "attached to" the test plan from which the concern raised.

Until now, we can only have RTC defects created from test execution records and RRC requirements collections linked to RQM test cases.

In other words: create a work item of type xyz in RTC from RQM and have it linked to a particular test plan.

Thx in advance.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Feb 15 '11, 7:09 a.m.

During the execution of our test plans, we sometimes have remarks that raen'ts specific to particular test cases but that need attention. Therefore we would like to post in the RTC 2.0 project (linked to the RQM 2.0 project) a work item that express our concerns but is also "attached to" the test plan from which the concern raised.

Until now, we can only have RTC defects created from test execution records and RRC requirements collections linked to RQM test cases.

In other words: create a work item of type xyz in RTC from RQM and have it linked to a particular test plan.

Thx in advance.

In RQM 2.x, you cannot link a test plan to a RTC work item. In RQM 3.x, you can link a test plan to a development plan, which can reference RTC work items.

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