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Cross project teams

Robin Parker (32633739) | asked Feb 03 '11, 11:54 a.m.
Hi all,

We have a program of work consisting of a number of projects. We also have a number of teams (as in groups of people who all do similar things rather than objects in RTC)

The teams will be spread across the projects in the program of work when it all commences. Team leaders will want to see the status (work load, progress etc) of all members of their team accross the projects.

Equally, each project will have a project manager who will want to see the progress of just the work in their project.

I can't seem to come up with a configuration that will allow me to get both of these things.

Multiple projects results in the teams needing to be split and the team leader having to review each in turn. Multiple timelines, the same. One big project means the teams' workload can be viewed OK but it is difficult for the PM to assess the progress of just the items associated with his project.

Can anyone help me with this?

Many Thanks,


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