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turkish language support for web client

Ali BAKAN (1611) | asked Jan 26 '11, 9:07 a.m.
hi all;

i search at forum but i could not find any related subject. isn't that language supporting by jazz? if so why i can see turkish locale in regional settings user management area.

best regards

6 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 26 '11, 9:23 a.m.
Hi Ali,

I looked into the install of RTC 3.0 and Turkisch is unfortunately not among the translations to select.


hi all;

i search at forum but i could not find any related subject. isn't that language supporting by jazz? if so why i can see turkish locale in regional settings user management area.

best regards

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Ali BAKAN (1611) | answered Jan 26 '11, 9:31 a.m.
thanks for reply. we use iFix5. if i want to show turkish translations or any other language that isn't supported what'll i do?

should i change the original language resources in jar files?

Hi Ali,

I looked into the install of RTC 3.0 and Turkisch is unfortunately not among the translations to select.


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Ali BAKAN (1611) | answered Jan 26 '11, 10:10 a.m.
i did some research and i learned that regional settings combobox into work environment populates data from client machine. so that is why i see lots of locales.

it has to be a simple way to do what i want. :)

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 27 '11, 1:29 a.m.
Hi Ali,

sorry that I misunderstood your initial question.

The regional settings in the work environment are really meant to set the timezone and the representation of dates/currency etc.

Language support is not influenced by regional settings. If you have issues with mixed languages in client or server which I have seen dependent on how the installation is done you can find a solution here You can use it to switch the language of the client and server but keep the regional settings. I use it to switch to English language for servers and clients installed on machines with other operating systems installed in other languages.

This prevents mixed languages.



i did some research and i learned that regional settings combobox into work environment populates data from client machine. so that is why i see lots of locales.

it has to be a simple way to do what i want. :)

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Ali BAKAN (1611) | answered Jan 27 '11, 2:57 a.m.
Hi Ralph,

i think i didn't define my question first. link that you gave can be helpful for rtc client for eclipse. but all i need to change web client translations for our a few contributors that are jazzUsers have contributer license.

i know i can select a locale while creating a project area. perhaps it could be a solution for me. but my language (turkish) isn't exists amoung those locales.

ali bakan

Hi Ali,

sorry that I misunderstood your initial question.

The regional settings in the work environment are really meant to set the timezone and the representation of dates/currency etc.

Language support is not influenced by regional settings. If you have issues with mixed languages in client or server which I have seen dependent on how the installation is done you can find a solution here You can use it to switch the language of the client and server but keep the regional settings. I use it to switch to English language for servers and clients installed on machines with other operating systems installed in other languages.

This prevents mixed languages.



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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 27 '11, 3:59 a.m.
Hi Ali,

I am not completely capable of answering how to provide Turkish translations for the product. I think it is probably an lot of work also. I guess there are three areas you would have to look into.

1. Translating the process template. I think there have been posts around that. I believe it should be possible by looking into the process template and providing additional translations for the resources and descriptions.
2. Translations for the web component of the server. I think you could ask in this forum if someone can give you a hint. Since the server is really built upon Eclipse you might want to check this article to get an idea about extending it. I would guess that translations are only plug-ins provided with translations to the resources. The article currently is for but will be updated.
3. The Eclipse Client would probably use a similar approach to the server. You might be able to get more info on

Just some additional thoughts,


Hi Ralph,

i think i didn't define my question first. link that you gave can be helpful for rtc client for eclipse. but all i need to change web client translations for our a few contributors that are jazzUsers have contributer license.

i know i can select a locale while creating a project area. perhaps it could be a solution for me. but my language (turkish) isn't exists amoung those locales.

ali bakan

Hi Ali,

sorry that I misunderstood your initial question.

The regional settings in the work environment are really meant to set the timezone and the representation of dates/currency etc.

Language support is not influenced by regional settings. If you have issues with mixed languages in client or server which I have seen dependent on how the installation is done you can find a solution here You can use it to switch the language of the client and server but keep the regional settings. I use it to switch to English language for servers and clients installed on machines with other operating systems installed in other languages.

This prevents mixed languages.



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