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email notification is missing time and date

Amirsam Khataei (256175) | asked Jan 12 '11, 1:25 p.m.
Problem description: The emails sent from RTC for workitems do not
contain a date and time stamp. This is causing confusion among the users
because emails are going to the bottom of their email list in their
email client.

user looked at the emails sent from ClearQuest and those emails have the day, date and time stamp. On the other hand user checked the RTC workitem email received on another mail server and
it doesn't have the date and time stamp.

Please look at the below example:
Sent: None ---- The Time and Date should appear here !!!!!
Subject: Access Request for New Reports Developer

Id: 5371 Open in web browser
Summary: Access Request for New Reports Developer
Team Area: OS Team / OS
Filed Against: Unassigned
Status: Approved

David Palmer <xxxxxxx> changed on Dec 23, 2010 at 5:05:12 PM ET:
Status For approval Approved
Owned By xxxx yyyy
Comments Please proceed with adding this report developer.

You are receiving this mail because you are owner of this work item

I assume this is not RTC, but what component can be responsible for this behavior? Is this something related to lotus note? or the mail server?

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 13 '11, 4:08 a.m.
Hi Amirsam,

it works well for me with Lotus notes receiving mails for work items from

RTC uses an SMTP Server to send the mails. (See advanced properties in server administration). So it could be that SMTP Server or some server that the mail is passed to on the way to your server.


Problem description: The emails sent from RTC for workitems do not
contain a date and time stamp. This is causing confusion among the users
because emails are going to the bottom of their email list in their
email client.

user looked at the emails sent from ClearQuest and those emails have the day, date and time stamp. On the other hand user checked the RTC workitem email received on another mail server and
it doesn't have the date and time stamp.

Please look at the below example:
Sent: None ---- The Time and Date should appear here !!!!!
To: xxxxxx@xxxx.*
Subject: Access Request for New Reports Developer

Id: 5371 Open in web browser
Summary: Access Request for New Reports Developer
Team Area: OS Team / OS
Filed Against: Unassigned
Status: Approved

David Palmer <xxxxxxx> changed on Dec 23, 2010 at 5:05:12 PM ET:
Status For approval Approved
Owned By xxxx yyyy
Comments Please proceed with adding this report developer.

You are receiving this mail because you are owner of this work item

I assume this is not RTC, but what component can be responsible for this behavior? Is this something related to lotus note? or the mail server?

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