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Fetching data from rational team concert

Mark Ebbesen (61) | asked Jan 11 '11, 9:22 a.m.
I'm part of a small group of programmers within IBM, who needs to get some of the data (burndown chart, unit test, build results) that Rational Team Concert generates, without using the ui.
We are trying to make an external program that can show the data by itself automatically, on an information board (screen).
We are going to use java as our programming language.

3 answers

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Mark Ebbesen (61) | answered Jan 14 '11, 2:51 a.m.
I'm part of a small group of programmers within IBM, who needs to get some of the data (burndown chart, unit test, build results) that Rational Team Concert generates, without using the ui.
We are trying to make an external program that can show the data by itself automatically, on an information board (screen).
We are going to use java as our programming language.

You should be able to get some information from the RSS/atom feeds from RTC (live data, not charts with historical data).

You may also want to look at Rational Insight - this is used to gather data from different sources including RTC and presents it in the form of dashboards.

Final idea - use the webUI and put that in a portal (assuming you want to see other data on the screen too). You should be able to get the portal to request a refresh at regular intervals.


thanks for your reply. You mention the rss-feeds, do you know where we can access it? Or even better a link to a page describing the use of the rss-feed :)

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k7180136) | answered Jan 13 '11, 11:52 a.m.
I'm part of a small group of programmers within IBM, who needs to get some of the data (burndown chart, unit test, build results) that Rational Team Concert generates, without using the ui.
We are trying to make an external program that can show the data by itself automatically, on an information board (screen).
We are going to use java as our programming language.

You should be able to get some information from the RSS/atom feeds from RTC (live data, not charts with historical data).

You may also want to look at Rational Insight - this is used to gather data from different sources including RTC and presents it in the form of dashboards.

Final idea - use the webUI and put that in a portal (assuming you want to see other data on the screen too). You should be able to get the portal to request a refresh at regular intervals.


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Christian Morgan (317714) | answered Jan 13 '11, 8:38 a.m.
Would it be possible to do this via BIRT and a report? Maybe using the api to get a authenticated session to the RTC server and then run the BIRT report, taking the results and flowing that into your "screen" that needs the information......

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