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CQ Connector error

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Nov 29 '10, 3:30 p.m.
Hi iam following the tutorial on infocenter :

And iam in step 7, when i want to create an external repository Connection i got a error : CRJAZ0002I Error creating the item identified by collection "https://localhost:9443/jazz/service/". Exception message: 'Save Synchronization Rule Info' failed. Permission denied.

Some one could please help me!

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Nov 30 '10, 10:25 a.m.
In the tutorial, you had to create a Jazz administrative user that the CQ Connector Setup Wizard uses to log in to the Jazz server and create sync rules. This Jazz admin user must be assigned a role that has permissions to create and delete sync rules. The tutorial uses the Scrum process and recommends that the Jazz admin user be assigned the Scrum Master or Produce Owner role since these roles have the correct permissions. Verify that you have given the admin user one of these permissions.

If that is the case, verify that the role has the correct permission, Open the project area, click the Process Configuration tab, expand the Project Configuration and select Permissions. Select the role assigned to the user and make sure Item Connectors is selected in the Permitted actions section.

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