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Project Timeline?

Scott Chapman (3216547) | asked Nov 22 '10, 9:28 a.m.
What does "project timeline" mean exactly? How does RTC treat it differently than other timelines? and how should I be using it exactly?

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Parker Dunton (4064) | answered Nov 22 '10, 4:34 p.m.

The answer to your question, as can be found in the online help for RTC, is:

"You can designate one of your timelines as the project timeline. All of the predefined process templates specify a project timeline. The project timeline defines the project area start and end dates along with the iteration breakdown of those dates. The project timeline differs from your other timelines in the following ways:

* The project timeline iterations apply to the project area. This means that if the project timeline process is customized for the current iteration, that customized process affects any artifacts associated with the project area.
* All team areas that do not have an explicit custom timeline set are governed by the process of the project timeline."

You should be able to access help content from the help menu of the Eclipse client if it is available. If not, use the preview of RTC 3.0 help that is available at: The specific topic for this question was Administering > Administering projects > Administering change and configuration management projects > Project and process concepts > Timeline.

Hope this helps,

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