Do work item templates in 3.0 support approvals?
I don't have access to a 3.0 server currently. I took a look at the work item templates that exist in the for the RTC project and tried to instantiate one of them. I received an error about not being able to parse "Approvals". One of the key aspects (beyond custom fields) that I am looking for in templates for 3.0 is to be able to define a set of approvals for a template.
Can someone confirm if this is possible? I am worried based on the error message I saw.
Thanks for you help!
Can someone confirm if this is possible? I am worried based on the error message I saw.
Thanks for you help!
3 answers
I don't have access to a 3.0 server currently. I took a look at the
work item templates that exist in the for the RTC project
and tried to instantiate one of them. I received an error about not
being able to parse "Approvals". One of the key aspects
(beyond custom fields) that I am looking for in templates for 3.0 is
to be able to define a set of approvals for a template.
Can someone confirm if this is possible? I am worried based on the
error message I saw.
Yes, Approvals are supported by work item templates in 3.0.
RTC Work Item Component Lead
Yes, Approvals are supported by work item templates in 3.0.
RTC Work Item Component Lead
Hi, I am using RTC 3.0 and when trying to create from a model I am having this message "Attribute "approvals" cannot be parsed properly". It happens only if the WI at the model contains approvals.
In fact it works with approvals when it is completely filled (eg approver). I would like not to have the approver or date at the template model.
Any clue?