After upgrading to 7.1.2, I ran a <bf_home>/Platform/bfschema -R to reindex my DB2 database. These were the errors I received. Are they of any concern?
alter table BUILD.bf_logs drop primary key
DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0539N Table or nickname "BUILD.BF_LOGS" does not have a "PRIMARY" key. SQLSTATE=42888
BuildForge::DB::Schema::Creator : /PerlApp/BuildForge/DB/Schema/ : 321[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0539N Table or nickname "BUILD.BF_LOGS" does not have a "PRIMARY" key. SQLSTATE=42888
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:04:01 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBF0555E: Problem performing Database Operation [do] : DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0539N Table or nickname "BUILD.BF_LOGS" does not have a "PRIMARY" key. SQLSTATE=42888
Query was [alter table BUILD.bf_logs drop primary key]
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:04:03 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBFEEEEE: -539 : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0539N Table or nickname "BUILD.BF_LOGS" does not have a "PRIMARY" key. SQLSTATE=42888
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:04:03 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBF0551I: StackTrace from Process id [4115] called from [
[alter table BUILD.bf_logs drop primary key]
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:04:03 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBF1445E: Error creating table alter table BUILD.bf_logs drop primary key: -539 : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0539N Table or nickname "BUILD.BF_LOGS" does not have a "PRIMARY" key. SQLSTATE=42888
Error creating table alter table BUILD.bf_logs drop primary key: -539 : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0539N Table or nickname "BUILD.BF_LOGS" does not have a "PRIMARY" key. SQLSTATE=42888
drop index idx_bf_logs
alter table BUILD.BF_LOGS add primary key (BF_RESULT_ID, BF_SEQ)
DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0673N A primary or unique key index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified primary or unique key columns of constraint "BF_RESULT_ID...". SQLSTATE=23515
BuildForge::DB::Schema::Creator : /PerlApp/BuildForge/DB/Schema/ : 321[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0673N A primary or unique key index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified primary or unique key columns of constraint "BF_RESULT_ID...". SQLSTATE=23515
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:06:18 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBF0555E: Problem performing Database Operation [do] : DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0673N A primary or unique key index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified primary or unique key columns of constraint "BF_RESULT_ID...". SQLSTATE=23515
Query was [alter table BUILD.BF_LOGS add primary key (BF_RESULT_ID, BF_SEQ)]
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:06:18 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBFEEEEE: DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0673N A primary or unique key index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified primary or unique key columns of constraint "BF_RESULT_ID...". SQLSTATE=23515
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:06:18 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBF0551I: StackTrace from Process id [4115] called from [
[alter table BUILD.BF_LOGS add primary key (BF_RESULT_ID, BF_SEQ)]
Thu 11 Nov 2010 01:06:18 AM CST Database: 4115: CRRBF1445E: Error creating table alter table BUILD.BF_LOGS add primary key (BF_RESULT_ID, BF_SEQ): DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0673N A primary or unique key index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified primary or unique key columns of constraint "BF_RESULT_ID...". SQLSTATE=23515
Error creating table alter table BUILD.BF_LOGS add primary key (BF_RESULT_ID, BF_SEQ): DBD::DB2::db do failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0673N A primary or unique key index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified primary or unique key columns of constraint "BF_RESULT_ID...". SQLSTATE=23515
create unique index BUILD.idx_bf_logs on BUILD.bf_logs (bf_id)