RAFW: FIX: uninstall failure of Portal 6.1.5
Just a FYI ... I installed WAS 7 and Portal 6.1.5 as non-privlidged user and
while re-validating my build out process the uninstall process failed. Error
message looked like so:
Logging to /tmp/wpuninstalllog.txt.
WARNING: could not delete locked file /opt/WebSphere/01/PortalServer
Deleting directory /opt/WebSphere/01/PortalServer
/opt/buildforge/rafw/product/lib/RAFW_lib.xml:104: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/buildforge/rafw/product/actions/install/wp/common/install_wp_common.xml:62: Portal uninstall failed: Unable to delete file /opt/WebSphere/01/PortalServer/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport/libos_xwin.so
With a little bit of investigation, I was able to track the problem with the
permissions on the PortalServer/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport
directory and files contained therein:
$ pwd
$ ls -ald .
dr-xr-xr-x 3 rafwadm rafwadms 12288 May 9 23:21 ./
To fix, run something like the following from your install root:
$ find PortalServer/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport -type d -print | xargs chmod u+w
The portal uninstaller will then be able to uninstall successfuly.
Alternately, as part of your post install activities call the following
while re-validating my build out process the uninstall process failed. Error
message looked like so:
Logging to /tmp/wpuninstalllog.txt.
WARNING: could not delete locked file /opt/WebSphere/01/PortalServer
Deleting directory /opt/WebSphere/01/PortalServer
/opt/buildforge/rafw/product/lib/RAFW_lib.xml:104: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/buildforge/rafw/product/actions/install/wp/common/install_wp_common.xml:62: Portal uninstall failed: Unable to delete file /opt/WebSphere/01/PortalServer/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport/libos_xwin.so
With a little bit of investigation, I was able to track the problem with the
permissions on the PortalServer/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport
directory and files contained therein:
$ pwd
$ ls -ald .
dr-xr-xr-x 3 rafwadm rafwadms 12288 May 9 23:21 ./
To fix, run something like the following from your install root:
$ find PortalServer/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport -type d -print | xargs chmod u+w
The portal uninstaller will then be able to uninstall successfuly.
Alternately, as part of your post install activities call the following