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Migrating RTC server to 3.0RC2

Giuseppe Nettis (36153) | asked Nov 01 '10, 11:52 a.m.
Hi to all,
i tried to migrate the server from 2.x version to 3.0RC2 version. To do this, i followed the guide in this page

I found an error in this step:
both using the automatic and the manual method. When i import user information into the JTS server i have this error:
"CRJAZ0596I - Migration handler not registered for migrating "{0}" namespace URI".

In the step "Export user information from the RTC database", i believe that i must create the jtsData.tar from the RTC server 2.x. However, i noted that this step performs correctly only if i do this step creating the .tar from the server 3.0RC2.

I must create the jtsData from RTC server 2.x, isn't true?
If yes, any suggestions to resolve the CRJAZ0596I error ?


17 answers

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Jay Billings (21) | answered Dec 01 '10, 8:46 p.m.

Would you be willing to explain the exact steps that it takes to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 using the Derby databases?

I can't find any clear instructions on how to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 with only the Derby databases anywhere, but you mention above that you have done it and that copying the repositoryDB file and changing the property is all it takes. I tried that, but I received an ominous error when running rtc_migration.bat or repotools_jazz.bat. I can't even do a repotools_jazz.bat -verify without getting the error. Here it is:

Repo Tools
Provisioning using "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer3.0\server\conf\jazz\provision_profiles".
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries, Version 3.0 (RTC-I20101112-1731)
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 3.0 (RJF-I20101112-0630)

CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/jazz/".
CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/con
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
Db Product Name: Apache Derby
Db Product Version: - (807750)
Db URL: jdbc:derby:C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB;create=true
Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: - (807750)
CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer3.0\conf\jazz\indices\workitemindex\fulltext_index
CRJAZ1204I The database "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB" does not exist, the dat
es have not been created, or the database user does not have the required privileges to access the database.

Any thoughts?

jay Jay

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 02 '10, 1:10 a.m.
Hi Jay,

we have made sure that the help contains a lot of information about upgrading. I have followed it myself and it works.
In addition was created to complement the help. I have also outlined the steps in prior posts.

Copying the Derby DB is only a very small step you will also be guided to migrate data from your old DB to the new one.



Would you be willing to explain the exact steps that it takes to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 using the Derby databases?

I can't find any clear instructions on how to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 with only the Derby databases anywhere, but you mention above that you have done it and that copying the repositoryDB file and changing the property is all it takes. I tried that, but I received an ominous error when running rtc_migration.bat or repotools_jazz.bat. I can't even do a repotools_jazz.bat -verify without getting the error. Here it is:

Repo Tools
Provisioning using "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer3.0\server\conf\jazz\provision_profiles".
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries, Version 3.0 (RTC-I20101112-1731)
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 3.0 (RJF-I20101112-0630)

CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/jazz/".
CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/con
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
Db Product Name: Apache Derby
Db Product Version: - (807750)
Db URL: jdbc:derby:C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB;create=true
Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: - (807750)
CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer3.0\conf\jazz\indices\workitemindex\fulltext_index
CRJAZ1204I The database "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB" does not exist, the dat
es have not been created, or the database user does not have the required privileges to access the database.

Any thoughts?

jay Jay

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Jay Billings (21) | answered Dec 02 '10, 7:06 a.m.

Thanks for your response. I've looked at those pages and through the help extensively, but repotools always posts this error:

CRJAZ1204I The database "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB" does not exist, the dat
es have not been created, or the database user does not have the required privileges to access the database.

I'll give it another try this morning and if anything significant comes out of it, I'll be sure to post it.

Thanks again,

Hi Jay,

we have made sure that the help contains a lot of information about upgrading. I have followed it myself and it works.
In addition was created to complement the help. I have also outlined the steps in prior posts.

Copying the Derby DB is only a very small step you will also be guided to migrate data from your old DB to the new one.



Would you be willing to explain the exact steps that it takes to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 using the Derby databases?

I can't find any clear instructions on how to upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 with only the Derby databases anywhere, but you mention above that you have done it and that copying the repositoryDB file and changing the property is all it takes. I tried that, but I received an ominous error when running rtc_migration.bat or repotools_jazz.bat. I can't even do a repotools_jazz.bat -verify without getting the error. Here it is:

Repo Tools
Provisioning using "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer3.0\server\conf\jazz\provision_profiles".
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries, Version 3.0 (RTC-I20101112-1731)
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 3.0 (RJF-I20101112-0630)

CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/jazz/".
CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/con
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
Db Product Name: Apache Derby
Db Product Version: - (807750)
Db URL: jdbc:derby:C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB;create=true
Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: - (807750)
CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer3.0\conf\jazz\indices\workitemindex\fulltext_index
CRJAZ1204I The database "C:/IBM/JazzTeamServer3.0/server/conf/jazz/derby/repositoryDB" does not exist, the dat
es have not been created, or the database user does not have the required privileges to access the database.

Any thoughts?

jay Jay

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 02 '10, 7:44 a.m.
Hi Jay,

I am not sure at what step you are. In general one of the first steps is to (after backup) migrate the old database over. This step would create the derby database for JTS and modify (backup the old data before you do that) the existing one to serve for RTC.
This is described here

For Derby you have to copy the old database over to its new location - you have to check the two files where the Derby DB is supposed to go. You can also modify that location.

I am pretty sure that something went wrong in this step.




Thanks for your response. I've looked at those pages and through the help extensively, but repotools always posts this error:

permanent link
Jay Billings (21) | answered Dec 02 '10, 4:01 p.m.

Sorry to bother you with this again, but could you verify the steps I am taking?

1.) Install, check the upgrade box at the end. (Works)
2.) Start the migration with repotools (Works). Run: repotools-jazz -migration_updateConfigurationFiles oldJazzHome=<RTC2>/server/conf
3.) Check the files and fix the database properties. Point the jts database to server/jtsRepositoryDB and the jazz database to server/jazzRepositoryDB.
4.) Copy the RTC2.0 repositoryDB to <RTC3>/server/jazzRepositoryDB.
5.) Run repotools_jazz.bat -addTables (or use rtc_migration.bat file) (fails after connecting to the database with the previous posted error)

Are those steps correct? I'm starting to wonder if it is because I am on Windows Server 2008R2.

Thanks again,
Jay Jay

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Jay Billings (21) | answered Jan 16 '11, 12:41 p.m.

I wanted to post a message on the forum and let you know that I figured out the problem. For whatever reason, migrating from RTC iFix 3 to RTC iFix 5 before migrating to RTC 3.0 fixed the problem. I don't know why this would be an issue, but I noticed that the size of the Derby databases differed by a megabyte between iFix 3 and iFix 5.

After migrating to iFix 5, everything worked perfectly when migrating to 3.0. Thanks for you help!


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Al Nagaro (6) | answered Jan 17 '11, 3:36 a.m.
Thanks rschoon,

I had the same problem and following the steps you described did the trick.


you should skip the manual section. Get the rtc_migration scripts as stated in the Wiki. It should do all these manual steps for you. Please read the document carefully, it is work in progress and mentions tasks that are not necessary anymore with RC2.

In a nutshell you
- Install the server with migration option selected in the (second?) last step.
- backup your RTC DB (carefully read the sections about backing up your DB because it is automatically migrated to RTC3 and there will be no way back)
- create a new second DB for JTS
- run the repotools command -clean -migration_updateConfigurationFiles oldJazzHome=<RTC2>/server/conf
- review the migrated files
- provide the DB connection properties for the RTC server in conf/jazz/
- provide the DB connection to the new DB in the conf/jts/
- run the rtc_migration script
- run the setup


Hi to all,
i tried to migrate the server from 2.x version to 3.0RC2 version. To do this, i followed the guide in this page

I found an error in this step:
both using the automatic and the manual method. When i import user information into the JTS server i have this error:
"CRJAZ0596I - Migration handler not registered for migrating "{0}" namespace URI".

In the step "Export user information from the RTC database", i believe that i must create the jtsData.tar from the RTC server 2.x. However, i noted that this step performs correctly only if i do this step creating the .tar from the server 3.0RC2.

I must create the jtsData from RTC server 2.x, isn't true?
If yes, any suggestions to resolve the CRJAZ0596I error ?


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