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Custom Attributes on Work Item - Make Compulsory

Alan D (15631311) | asked Oct 29 '10, 7:24 a.m.

I have created 2 new custom attributes for Work Items on a project area. These custom attributes are both enumerations with an 'Unassigned' value as the default setting. How do I enforce these attributes as mandatory entries - ie, the Work Item cannot be saved unless a value is chosen from the list?


3 answers

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | answered Nov 01 '10, 8:23 a.m.

I have created 2 new custom attributes for Work Items on a project area. These custom attributes are both enumerations with an 'Unassigned' value as the default setting. How do I enforce these attributes as mandatory entries - ie, the Work Item cannot be saved unless a value is chosen from the list?


did you try setting the required properties precondition on save workitem in the operational behavior ?

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Alan D (15631311) | answered Nov 01 '10, 8:28 a.m.
did you try setting the required properties precondition on save workitem in the operational behavior ?

Yes! And it worked. Meant to post the below on Friday, but the pub happened instead.

Open Project Area.
Select Process Configuration tab.
Select Team Configuration --> Operation Behaviour
In the operation Behaviour Table select Work items --> Save Work Item.
Choose a role in the table (I chose 'everyone')
Select Pre-conditions below the table.
Click on 'Required Properties' (or Add Required Properties if it doesn't exist)
Select '' in the 'Category or Type' table, and click 'Edit'.
Choose the 'Required Fields' from the choices available.


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Amitabha Nath (757) | answered Jun 27 '12, 3:06 a.m.

Awsome... It worked for me ...Thanks

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