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Missing Log Out button in RTC install

Case Taintor (1462116) | asked Oct 19 '10, 11:34 a.m.
I'm unsure when this happened, but, we're unable to see the Log Out button in the webclient of RTC. We recently just migrated from our 'test' instance to our production instance and now we don't see the logout button. If I inspect the DOM, I see that it is, in fact, there, but, it has a display:none property. Any idea on why this disappeared?

We're using RTC in WebSphere with LDAP/AD authentication.

4 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Oct 19 '10, 3:47 p.m.
I'm unsure when this happened, but, we're unable to see the Log Out button in the webclient of RTC. We recently just migrated from our 'test' instance to our production instance and now we don't see the logout button. If I inspect the DOM, I see that it is, in fact, there, but, it has a display:none property. Any idea on why this disappeared?

We're using RTC in WebSphere with LDAP/AD authentication.

Can you try flushing your browser cache, and see if that makes a difference?


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Case Taintor (1462116) | answered Oct 20 '10, 2:27 p.m.
Hasn't helped. No one in our enterprise is able to see the button.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Oct 20 '10, 6:12 p.m.
Hasn't helped. No one in our enterprise is able to see the button.

Ok - what browser and version are you using, and what RTC version?


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Wes Deviers (611) | answered Feb 01 '11, 3:44 p.m.
Hasn't helped. No one in our enterprise is able to see the button.

Ok - what browser and version are you using, and what RTC version?


I'm having the same problem. Nobody can log out. Using Websphere or 9, I believe, RTC 2, most recent updates applied. Firefox or Opera on Linux, Firefox or IE on Windows. All same problem.


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