lack of project meta-data when triggering post-build project
I need the ability to e-mail arbitrary users on a per project basis of the results of a job. The way I figured to do that was to add a pass and fail chain to any project that I needed such a "trigger".
This almost worked, except the meta-data about things like the build UUID (BID) of the calling project was not found in the chained project. In fact, the chained project showed weird BF_CALLER recursion that has some, but not all of the meta-data:
Is there a reason items like the caller's BID is missing? And why are there CALLER_CALLER items instead of all being CALLER items?
Is it possible to getall of the BF_CALLER environment data in such a chain (just like in a regular step chain)?
The last thing I couldn't figure out, though not important to what I'm doing, is how to tell that this was a "project chain" instead of a "step chain". Could that be a variable in there as well?
Anyway, I do have a work-around, so I am not stuck, but it would be nice not to have to use it. Basically, the ".bset" command still works, so you can set up your own variables in the original project to carry forward the BF_CALLER information to the chained project.
Hope this helps someone. Let me know if I should open an enhancement request for this extra meta-data.
EDIT: If anyone knows of another (easier) way to trigger an arbitrary library/project after the build completes and get all of the meta-data, I'd be very interested.
I need the ability to e-mail arbitrary users on a per project basis of the results of a job. The way I figured to do that was to add a pass and fail chain to any project that I needed such a "trigger".
This almost worked, except the meta-data about things like the build UUID (BID) of the calling project was not found in the chained project. In fact, the chained project showed weird BF_CALLER recursion that has some, but not all of the meta-data:
114 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_CALLER_LASTRUN=2010-10-13 11:27:48
117 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_CALLER_SELECTOR=6be619cb0c4e1000e4306da60e460e46
118 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_D=101013
119 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_J=285
120 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_T=112745
121 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_TAG=MY_PROJECT_11
122 10/13/10 11:29AM ENV BF_CALLER_W=3
Is there a reason items like the caller's BID is missing? And why are there CALLER_CALLER items instead of all being CALLER items?
Is it possible to get
The last thing I couldn't figure out, though not important to what I'm doing, is how to tell that this was a "project chain" instead of a "step chain". Could that be a variable in there as well?
Anyway, I do have a work-around, so I am not stuck, but it would be nice not to have to use it. Basically, the ".bset" command still works, so you can set up your own variables in the original project to carry forward the BF_CALLER information to the chained project.
Hope this helps someone. Let me know if I should open an enhancement request for this extra meta-data.
EDIT: If anyone knows of another (easier) way to trigger an arbitrary library/project after the build completes and get all of the meta-data, I'd be very interested.