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Relationship between build and workitems

Thanh Nguyen (76) | asked Apr 27 '07, 1:24 p.m.

I am wondering what is the relationship between build and workitem. Is
changeset related to build? Is workitem related to changeset?

Thank you,


6 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered May 01 '07, 6:17 a.m.
Hi Thanh

I am wondering what is the relationship between build and workitem. Is
changeset related to build? Is workitem related to changeset?

A build can determine the changes it includes (a bit simplified: the
build creates a baseline when it runs -- all change sets on top of that
baseline are included in the next build).

Work items can be associated to a change set. If the corresponding
change set is in the build, the work items are part of the build, too.

These references are navigable from all sides: The summary page in the
Build editor allows you to see the changes and work items in the build.
The Work Item editor allows you to see associated change sets and the
builds it was included in. Wherever change sets appear in the UI, they
allow you to see and navigate to the associated work items.


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Thanh Nguyen (76) | answered May 10 '07, 8:09 p.m.
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the information. So I figured out how to get from the build
to the associated workitems. What we are trying to do now to find out
which changeset breaks the build. Is there any way to determine this in

Thank you,


Patrick Streule wrote:
Hi Thanh

I am wondering what is the relationship between build and workitem. Is
changeset related to build? Is workitem related to changeset?

A build can determine the changes it includes (a bit simplified: the
build creates a baseline when it runs -- all change sets on top of that
baseline are included in the next build).

Work items can be associated to a change set. If the corresponding
change set is in the build, the work items are part of the build, too.

These references are navigable from all sides: The summary page in the
Build editor allows you to see the changes and work items in the build.
The Work Item editor allows you to see associated change sets and the
builds it was included in. Wherever change sets appear in the UI, they
allow you to see and navigate to the associated work items.


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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered May 23 '07, 11:55 a.m.
Jazz does not have a built-in way to determine which change set broke the

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Massimiliano Celli (2633) | answered Jan 29 '08, 6:45 p.m.
A build can determine the changes it includes (a bit simplified: the
build creates a baseline when it runs -- all change sets on top of that
baseline are included in the next build).

Work items can be associated to a change set. If the corresponding
change set is in the build, the work items are part of the build, too.

These references are navigable from all sides: The summary page in the
Build editor allows you to see the changes and work items in the build.
The Work Item editor allows you to see associated change sets and the
builds it was included in. Wherever change sets appear in the UI, they
allow you to see and navigate to the associated work items.

Hi, I've seen something different from what you say here.
into the summary tab of the build editor, I see the active "Show changes" link correctly pointing to the change-sets included into the build but the Work Item field says "None included" even though there should be at lest 1 work item (resolved) associated to the reported change-set.
Is it a bug?

ciao, max

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jan 30 '08, 2:42 p.m.
Hi Max,

What version of RTC are you using?


Jazz Team Build Developer

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Massimiliano Celli (2633) | answered Jan 30 '08, 4:11 p.m.
Hello Martha

I'm using the build bundled in Beta 2.

ciao, max

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