How to get workitems planned for an iteration and sub iterations with Plain Java API ?

I'm using Plain Java API to get the list of workitems planned for an iteration like this :
And it works well.
Now, I'm trying to modify this to get all workitems planned for this iteration and all the sub iterations.
I was thinking I just need to change the AttributeOperation "EQUALS" to another value like when I'm creating a query in the web interface changing "is" into "is part of".
Here is the line :
Expression expression = new AttributeExpression(attribute, AttributeOperation.EQUALS, curIteration);
But I can't find any usable value.
How could I do that ?
Thanks for your help !
3 answers

Here some hints on the API

List<IIteration> SubIterations = getAllSubIterations(curIteration);
Term plannedfor= new Term(Term.Operator.OR);
for(IIteration i : SubIterations)
Expression expression_sub = new AttributeExpression(attributeCurrentIteration, AttributeOperation.EQUALS, i);
List<IIteration> iterationList = new ArrayList<IIteration>();
IIterationHandle handles[] = iteration.getChildren();
for (IIterationHandle h : handles)
IIteration i = resolveIteration(h);
List<IIteration> subList = getAllSubIterations(i, display);
return iterationList;
It works, so it's ok for me.