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Confusion about Jazz/RTC packaging

Florian Georg (19031918) | asked Mar 27 '08, 9:20 p.m.
After digging through some slides/articles, I'm still a bit confused about Jazz vs. RTC in terms of packaging.

My current understanding is this (please correct me):
Jazz is the base technology, the basic server components (Repository, Process... anything else?) and the Web UI.
RTC is the commercial product based on Jazz, adding some (server) components like the buildsystem and SCM component(?), as well as the complete Eclipse-based UI. Jazz only "the server" or does it already provide some UI/client features (Team Central View?) that are extended by RTC? Where are the exact boundaries?
What about the REST-based APIs / JRS ?

Thanks for any clarification on that.


3 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 27 '08, 10:00 p.m.
As Jazz technology is increasingly adopted/integrated into a variety of
existing and new IBM/Rational products, it will be increasingly
difficult to distinguish "Jazz" technology from "non-Jazz" technology.

On the other hand, Rational Team Concert is a specific, well-defined
product/offering. So it always will always makes sense to ask "what are
the specific RTC components/features", but will increasingly not make
sense to ask "what are the specific Jazz components/features".

Note that even with Rational Team Concert, the ClearCase and ClearQuest
connectors contain a blend of "Jazz" and "non-Jazz" technology.

Just for interests sake, why would you care which components/features
are labeled as "Jazz" and which aren't?

Geoff wrote:
After digging through some slides/articles, I'm still a bit confused
about Jazz vs. RTC in terms of packaging.

My current understanding is this (please correct me):
Jazz is the base technology, the basic server components (Repository,
Process... anything else?) and the Web UI.
RTC is the commercial product based on Jazz, adding some (server)
components like the buildsystem and SCM component(?), as well as the
complete Eclipse-based UI. Jazz only "the server" or does it already provide
some UI/client features (Team Central View?) that are extended by
RTC? Where are the exact boundaries?
What about the REST-based APIs / JRS ?

Thanks for any clarification on that.


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Florian Georg (19031918) | answered Mar 28 '08, 4:01 a.m.
I'm asking this because the term "Jazz" is getting a bit fuzzy and more complicated to articulate to customers.
Sure, we can talk about concrete products, but most often the enabling base technology is a key point of interest.

I like to think of the Eclipse metaphor there (base platform + custom extensions). The key is that for Eclipse it's quite clear what is the base platform, and what are the product offerings on top of it.

Perhaps the question is: what will be the common base of all "Jazz based" products, and what can you "do" with this platform, independendly of any product offering... otherwise customers will tend to see "Jazz" just as the name for a component repository where concrete products select from in a mix&match fashion.


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Roman Smirak (3164933) | answered Mar 28 '08, 4:19 a.m.
That's something I'm interested to hear about as well.

I've been following Eclipse architecture view as well.



"" <>
wrote in message news:fsi913$o6r$1@localhost.localdomain...
I'm asking this because the term "Jazz" is getting a bit
fuzzy and more complicated to articulate to customers.
Sure, we can talk about concrete products, but most often the enabling
base technology is a key point of interest.

I like to think of the Eclipse metaphor there (base platform + custom
extensions). The key is that for Eclipse it's quite clear what is the
base platform, and what are the product offerings on top of it.

Perhaps the question is: what will be the common base of all
"Jazz based" products, and what can you "do" with
this platform, independendly of any product offering... otherwise
customers will tend to see "Jazz" just as the name for a
component repository where concrete products select from in a
mix&match fashion.


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