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Problem creating a report for pending approvals

Glenn Poston (7194) | asked Sep 17 '10, 11:08 a.m.
I'm creating a report to show a list of pending approvals for work items. I would like for the report to show... | ID | | internalApprovals.Descriptors.dueDate

I'm using the LiveSnapshot data source and the WorkItem table to get the data.

The issue is that In the case where a work item has two approvals with different approvers I get data like this

User1 | 1234 | Review1 | 9/17
User1 | 1234 | Review2 | 9/17
User2 | 1234 | Review1 | 9/17
User2 | 1234 | Review2 | 9/17

When I would expect

User1 | 1234 | Review1 | 9/17
User2 | 1234 | Review2 | 9/17

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Timothy McMackin (153106) | answered Mar 02 '12, 11:19 a.m.
I'm creating a report to show a list of pending approvals for work items.

I'm seeing the same thing. To be clear, in your example, User 1 is the only reviewer on Review 1. User 2 is the only reviewer on Review 2. However, when you retrieve a list of reviewers, you get two copies of each.

I'm using the live table to get a list of approvals for a specified work item. In this case, the work item has 3 approvals:

...internalId | | ...cumulativeStateIdentifier
_4k8RQXJ | Approval A | ...pending
_643GM2R | Approval B | ...approved
_s3DtMmR | Approval C | ...pending

In the work item, Approval A is for only User 1; Approval B is for only User 2; Approval C is for only User 3.

Then with a nested table, I retrieve the approvers related to that internalApprovalDescriptors.internalId. I see each user attached to that single review, incorrectly: | ...internalId |
User 1 | _4k8RQXJ | Approval A
User 2 | _4k8RQXJ | Approval A
User 3 | _4k8RQXJ | Approval A

Also, when I query the approvals based on a work item itemId, I see multiple references for each reviewer:

itemId | | ...internalId |
_rvb-cH | User 1 | _4k8RQXJ | Approval A
_rvb-cH | User 1 | _643GM2R | Approval B
_rvb-cH | User 1 | _s3DtMmR | Approval C
_rvb-cH | User 2 | _4k8RQXJ | Approval A
_rvb-cH | User 2 | _643GM2R | Approval B
_rvb-cH | User 2 | _s3DtMmR | Approval C
_rvb-cH | User 3 | _4k8RQXJ | Approval A
_rvb-cH | User 3 | _643GM2R | Approval B
_rvb-cH | User 3 | _s3DtMmR | Approval C

This seems to be a bug in the reporting data. Am I missing something? I'll enter a work item unless someone can point out what's going on here.

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