Bill of Materials

One answer

Does Build Forge provide a bill of materials or release notes type report? If so where do I find it, how do I run it?
The Bill Of Materials (BOM) can be displayed in the UI for a job by navigating to 'Jobs -> . In the lower left side of page under the Help and Results links is a link for 'Bill Of Materials'.
It will contain by default information about the job steps, step manifest properties, and job audit log data. If you ran an adaptor for the job and the adaptor added information to the BOM, that data will also appear (typically, source control file change and diff information). One other way that data gets added to the BOM is through the .bom dot command.
If you would like this data in a XML file, you can run the .bomexport dot command as a step toward the end of a project or use the command line utility named bfbomexport. Is this the type of data that you're looking for?