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RTC clients for mobile devices

Milan Krivic (98013176143) | asked Sep 16 '10, 6:36 a.m.

With existing RTC clients, are there plans to build some kind of RTC client for mobile devices (iPhone/Android)?


7 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 16 '10, 9:19 a.m.

With existing RTC clients, are there plans to build some kind of RTC client for mobile devices (iPhone/Android)?


None that I am aware of, although the RTC 3.0 M8 release new and noteworthy talks about using the web planning capabilities on an iPad - sounds like an excellent excuse to go and get an iPad :-)

I have added a work item about this - perhaps we can all discuss this at
Work item 132238


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Stefan Hufnagl (29411920) | answered Sep 17 '10, 3:59 p.m.
Hi Milan,

I working on a Android RTC Client using OSLC. Details at
Please keep in mind that this Client is private work and not an official IBM/Rational Software.


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Mark Carr (3113) | answered Feb 28 '14, 7:34 a.m.
edited Feb 28 '14, 8:35 a.m.
Thank you for reaching out to us to be a assistance.  I am sorry for the broken web links.  

You can download the latest version and view a walkthrough.  

My email is  Feel free to contact me for further assistance.  


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Aaron Allsbrook (71257) | answered Oct 22 '12, 9:50 p.m.
edited Feb 28 '14, 7:38 a.m.
Our ClearBlade mobile team has just released a mobile client for RTC work item management called ClearConcert.  It is available in Google Play today with Apple in the approval process and will be priced attractively at FREE.  Please let us know what you think!

Learn more at:

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Aaron Allsbrook (71257) | answered Feb 28 '14, 7:35 a.m.
 Hi Radha,

Thanks for checking out ClearConcert.  The url you provided appears to be IBM internal.  (I am not able to access it)  If your mobile device has access to the IBM intranet and the RTC repository uses the standard basic or form based auth then you should be able to log into that repository.  

You will want to use the same URL that you use to connect to your eclipse client, rather than the web url listed.  This probably would look like or

As a last point - If your mobile device does not have intranet visibility to the repository then you may need to consider two options.  
1.  Get a VPN mobile client into the intranet
2.  Use the ClearConcert Enterprise version that brings support for MDM and MAM (FibrLink).  The Enterprise has a number of other feature upgrades that may be of interest to your team in addition to the security.

Feel free to reach out to us directly at and we can provide additional support

Aaron Allsbrook

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rob roy (6) | answered Apr 20 '11, 12:55 p.m.
I'm looking at an iPhone app for RTC

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Radha D (1) | answered Feb 28 '14, 2:04 a.m.

Need your support in connecting to RTC Client on Android Mobile Device. We have tried to open the links given by you but they doesn't seem to work. Here are the links for your reference:

Website -
Documentation -

We are trying to connect to the below Server ID as below :
RTC Server ID:
So can you please help us in getting connected to the above RTC link.

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