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Setup multiple projects on one server

Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Mar 27 '08, 2:26 a.m.
We need to setup multiple independent projects on the same physical box. Eeach project is isolated from the others and has its own repository. However, 1) only one repository can be defined in file, and 2) only one CQ database and one URI can be defined in file for Gateway connector. How can we setup such an environment? Thanks.

22 answers

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Bryan Miller - Integration Developer (4493531) | answered Aug 19 '08, 12:44 p.m.
Gary, did you ever successfully get this working?


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Yanzhuang Li (31134126) | answered Aug 19 '08, 4:05 p.m.
Thanks, Bryan, for the followup.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to make it work to setup more than one CQGateway on the same server using vurtual IPs. Since we have only one project that needs to run CQ Sync at this monent, we just use localhost:8081.

FYI, ve been running multiple RTC instances on one physical server for over a month now. We have not seen issues. Again only one of the projects is running CQGateway.

Thanks, Yan

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