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ClearQuest SQL Import

Robert Thompson (31274) | asked Sep 14 '10, 12:53 p.m.
I've created a personal query in ClearQuest using the SQL editor and when I use this query in the ClearQuest Import Wizard to create a zip file, I get all records with just dbid and bug_id.

Can you use the import wizard from a SQL base query?

If not, how to I solve getting info from history and duplicate ids?

select T1.dbid,,T1.classification,T1.headline_1 as headline,T1.release_build,T1.severity14,T1.production_release,T1.cr_type,T1.discovered, as State,T1.description,{fn concat({fn concat({fn concat({ fn rtrim( {fn convert(T5.dbid,sql_char)} )}, {fn concat('    ', T5.filename)})}, {fn concat('    ', { fn rtrim( {fn convert(T5.filesize,sql_char)} )})})},     {fn concat('    ', T5.description)})},T1.notes_log,T2.action_timestamp as Submitted,T1.resolution_1,T2.user_name,T1.project,T1.priority,T1.steps_to_reproduce,T1.owners, T6.action_timestamp as Resolved, (select as DuplicateOf from changerequest T7, parent_child_links L where T1.dbid <> 0 and (T1.dbid = l.child_dbid and l.parent_dbid = T7.dbid and l.link_type_enum=2))  from ( ( ( ( changerequest T1 INNER JOIN statedef T3 ON T1.state = ) INNER JOIN history T2 ON T1.dbid = T2.entity_dbid  and 16777432 = T2.entitydef_id  and T2.action_name = 'Submit') LEFT OUTER JOIN history T6 ON T1.dbid = T6.entity_dbid  and 16777432 = T6.entitydef_id  and (T6.action_name in ('Close','Accept')) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments T5 ON T1.dbid = T5.entity_dbid  and 16777461 = T5.entity_fielddef_id ) where T1.dbid <> 0 and ((T1.project = 'Selection Boards' and  ( in ('Assigned','Closed','Delivered_to_Test','Duplicated','Fixed','Impacted','Opened','Postponed','Resolved')) ))

2 answers

permanent link
Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Sep 14 '10, 10:01 p.m.
Unfortunately, the CQ import wizard does not support SQL based query.

permanent link
Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Sep 15 '10, 9:30 a.m.
You can submit an enhancement request for this.

Another thing to try is to export the query results into a csv file and use the CSV importer,, or format the results of the query into a file that the CQ Importer is expecting.

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