Installation of RFT and RTC in the same package group

Accepted answer

The Jazz Eclipse Client contains everything you need to connect to either Rational® Quality Manager and/or Rational® Team Concert servers from the Rational® Functional Tester Eclipse user interface. You may use it to access Rational® Quality Manager or Rational® Team Concert work items. You may develop test assets and use the Jazz (RTC) source control management for managing functional test assets. You may access the keywords created in Rational® Quality Manager and automate them in Rational® Functional Tester.
This feature will install Rational® Team Concert Client as part of Rational® Functional Tester. You must have the Rational Team Concert or Rational® Quality Manager server setup that is compatible with the Jazz Eclipse client. Refer to the Rational® Team Concert and Rational® Quality Manager information center to check the server and client version compatibility.Future servicing will be done through updates to Rational® Functional Tester. We don't recommend you install this optional feature if you want to independently install and service the Rational® Team Concert Client as a separate offering, or if you already have the Rational® Team Concert client installed in this same package group as part of another offering and want to continue to use that client version instead.

Thanks Don, It looks like RTC came along with RFT installation. But we din't select the option from there as we don't know what version of RTC comes along with RFT. We installed RTC 4.0.1 and RFT 8.3 separately in same package. When I unselected RTC and RQM option during the installation of RFT, I did not get the error which I used to get previously (attached the screenshots of error in previous post). Thank god, its resolved. Now my doubt is, What are the other steps that I have to take for integrating RFT and RTC? I did RFT and RTC integration previously but want to know the correct process from you to see if there is anything I am missing. Your reply would very helpful for our team.

Thanks Vincent for the info. As per "We don't recommend you install this optional feature if you want to independently install and service the Rational® Team Concert Client as a separate offering, or if you already have the Rational® Team Concert client installed in this same package group as part of another offering and want to continue to use that client version instead. ", you did the right thing when you want to install RTC and RFT separately.
I suppose you have RTC 4.0.1(or 4.0.2) server installed and your client is configured to have the right repository connection. Once the client works, you use RTC as version control tool for RFT project. To do that, the help has details and please refer to it. (you can search in the help for some more integration info)
2 other answers
When you install RFT8.3.x, there is option for you to install jazz Eclipse client as well which will allow you
to have features as RTC client to work with RFT so long as you have got RTC server installed and configured with the RTC client properly. Here is what the UI info says:
This feature will install Rational® Team Concert Client as part of Rational® Functional Tester. You must have the Rational Team Concert or Rational® Quality Manager server setup that is compatible with the Jazz Eclipse client. Refer to the Rational® Team Concert and Rational® Quality Manager information center to check the server and client version compatibility.Future servicing will be done through updates to Rational® Functional Tester. We don't recommend you install this optional feature if you want to independently install and service the Rational® Team Concert Client as a separate offering, or if you already have the Rational® Team Concert client installed in this same package group as part of another offering and want to continue to use that client version instead.
When you have RTC4.0.1 server, this client ( should work.
If you want to install into existing package, please upgrade RFT to first and then try again.
If you use different package, at least you won't be able to have shell share as I understand.

I'm facing the incompatibility errors while installing RFT with RTC package group. I then proceeded with the 'Create New Package Group' option for RFT installation and selected the option 'Jazz Eclipse Client for RTC and RQM'. Now I cannot share the RFT project on JTS. Right clicking the RFT project doesnt show me the option 'Team > Share project'.
Both RFT and RTC are 64 bit. RFT is and RTC is 5.0.2.
Can anyone help me?
Canberk Akduygu
Mar 25 '13, 5:34 a.m.As far as I remember, RFT comes with its own RTC plugin bundled with the installation. But I dont remember which version was included in the package.
Try this one, that problem might be happening because of a dependency problem.