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Cannot establish cross-server comunication between RTC&R

Milan Krivic (98013176143) | asked Sep 09 '10, 10:47 a.m.

I followed some instructions about establishing cross-server communication at:

So, I followed all steps, and when I try to link project areas between RTC and RRC, I got this message:

Failed to read service provider catalog resource:

Unable to load URL: /jazz/proxy?uri=https://myserver:9443/rdm/rootservices, Status: 500
I am running RTC on WAS, and RRC on Tomcat 5.5 (default).

Also, when I come to one of the steps to see friends, I get this:

at RTC side:

<dc>My Requirements Server</dc>
<dc>RTC server</dc>

at RRC side:

<dc>Rational Requirements Server</dc>
<dc>RTC server</dc>

I am using firefox 3.6.9 and IE 8, and on both browsers, I have the same situation.

On RTC server, I can establish cross-server comunication to itself (for linking project areas in RTC), but not on RRC.

When I added RRC server on cross-server communication at RTC server, following instructions, I didn't get possibility to on OAuth Consumer Management on target server (RRC) to change the Pending value to Approve at the Authorized field.

P.S. At my test enviroment, where I have been running RTC and RRC, both on tomcat servers, I successfully established cross-server communication and linked projects between these two tools.

Any help would be appreciated, ASAP!


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